Miliaria pustulosa L74.8

Author: Prof. Dr. med. Peter Altmeyer

All authors of this article

Last updated on: 19.03.2025

Dieser Artikel auf Deutsch


miliaria alba

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Pustular disease of the eccrine sweat glands of salmon in the course of a Miliaria rubra, preferably occurring in tropical climate. In infants (see below miliaria) pustular miliaria may occur beyond the first weeks of life after heat exposure.

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Displacement and rupture of the sweat gland excretory duct in the area of the dermo-epidermal junction zone.

Clinical features
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Dense, pinhead to small lens-sized pustules that become even more pronounced in the intertrigines.

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Perisyringial infiltrate from lymphocytes and neutrophil leukocytes.

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Clinic and anamnesis are diagnostic leaders.

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Removal of occlusion (e.g. clothes, fat occluding externals such as ointments containing vaseline). Cooling, antiseptic, drying exteriors such as Clioquinol shaking mixture or potassium permanganate solutions(light pink). Broad-spectrum antibiotics such as dicloxacillin (e.g. InfectoStaph Kps.), 2-3 g/day p.o. in 4-6 ED, may be necessary. S.u. Miliaria.

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In the presence of miliaria pustulosa a pseudohypoaldosteronimus (PHA type I) should be searched for (hyponatremia, hyperkalemic metabolic acidosis, elevated plasma aldosterone).

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  1. Fölster-Holst R, Höger P (2004) Pustular skin diseases of the newborn. JDDG 2: 561-579


Please ask your physician for a reliable diagnosis. This website is only meant as a reference.


Last updated on: 19.03.2025