Malasseziafolliculitis Images
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Malasseziafolliculitis: disseminated, follicle-bound inflammatory papules and papulopustules on the back of a 45-year-old patient; no evidence of acne vulgaris; no formation of comedones.

Pityrosporumfolliculitis (malasseziafolliculitis): disseminated, follicle-bound inflammatory papules and papulopustules on the back of a 45-year-old patient. Preferably infestation of the seborrhoeic zone. No evidence of acne vulgaris. No formation of comedones.

Malasseziafolliculitis: Disseminated follicle-associated inflammatory papules and papulopustules on the back of a 53-year-old female patient with melanocytic naevi and isolated seborrheic keratoses.

Malasseziafolliculitis:disseminated, follicle-bound, itchy, inflammatory papules and papulopustules on the back of a 34-year-old female patient. skin lesions. no evidence of acne vulgaris. no formation of comedones

Malasseziafolliculitis:multiple, acutely occurring, dynamic, disseminated, follicle-bound, 0.2-0.6 cm large, inflammatory red papules and papulopustules on the back of a 53-year-old female patient. Severe seborrhea, following acne vulgaris in young adulthood; secondary findings include melanocytic naevi and isolated seborrheic keratoses.

Malasseziafolliculitis: multiple, acute, disseminated, follicle-bound, 0.2-0.6 cm large, inflammatory, red papules and papulopustules; existing for months, immunosuppression.

Malasseziafolliculitis: follicle-bound, 2-6 mm large, inflammatory papules and papulopustules on the back of a 53-year-old female patient; secondary findings: melanocytic naevi and isolated seborrheic keratoses.

Malasseziafolliculitis: Detail magnification: Disseminated, follicle-bound, inflammatory, 0.5-3 mm papules and papulopustules on the back of a 66-year-old female patient

Malasseziafolliculitis: disseminated, follicle-bound, inflammatory, 0.5-3 mm papules and papulopustules on the back of a 32-year-old female patient; frequent, even long-term, antibiotic therapy due to bacterial cystitis.

Malasseziafolliculitis, detail magnification: In the picture, almost centrally located, a follicle-bound, inflammatory papule, approx. 6 x 4 mm in size, is impressive.

Malasseziafolliculitis: detection of mycelia (arrows) and spore clusters (circles) in the native preparation; rectangle: normal, unaffected epithelial cells

Malasseziafolliculitis: detection of masses of spores (arrows) in the stratum corneum of the follicle.

Malasseziafolliculitis: Laser scanning microscopy: detection of spores in the hair follicle (Prof. Bacharach-Buhles)

Malasseziafolliculitis: Laser Scanning Microscopy: Detection of spores in the hair follicle; encircled the follicular funnel; horn material black unstructured; arrows mark the individual spores (Prof. Bacharach-Buhles).