Lentigo maligna melanoma Images
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Lentigo maligna melanoma. overview image: 1.2 x 0.5 cm (inconspicuous), brown lentigo maligna melanoma on the right cheek in a 70-year-old patient. TD 0.4 mm, Clark level II, pT1a N0M0, stage Ia according to AJCC 2002, no regression signs.

Lentigo maligna melanoma, detail enlargement: 1.2 x 0.5 cm, irregularly pigmented, blurred, raised, brown to brown-red spot with continuous surface growth on the base of an atypical, inflamed lentigo maligna.

Lentigo-maligna melanoma: Irregularly pigmented, bizarrely limited brown spot with a central elevation which is only detectable on palpation.

Lentigo maligna melanoma: Plaque with nodular parts, known for years, first brown, then gradually black, asymmetric, multicoloured, bizarrely limited plaque with nodular parts; the histological diagnosis was made from the nodular part.

Melanoma, malignant, lentigo-maligna melanoma. asymmetric, multicoloured, reddish-brownish to black, irregularly limited plaque with nodular parts. The diagnosis was confirmed histologically from the nodular black part.

Melanoma, malignant, lentigo-maligna melanoma. reflected light microscopic image: Bizarre pigment pattern lacking any organic structure. in the centre regression zones (bright areas).

Lentigo maligna melanoma: a slow-growing, first brown, then black spot, known for several years, which is now palpable as a sublime.

Lentigo-maligna melanoma: a slow-growing, initially homogeneously brown, then multicoloured, black "spot", which has been known for several years and can now be felt in places as a sublimity.

Lentigo maligna melanoma: a slow-growing, first brown, then black spot, known for several years, which is now palpable as a sublime.

Lentigo-maligna melanoma (close-up): a slow-growing, first brown, then black, sharply defined spot, known for several years, which is now palpable as a sublimity. close-up

Ameanotic lentigo-maligna melanoma: largely amelanotic plaque (for explanation see detailed picture).

Amelanotic lentigo-maligna melanoma: Largely amelanotic plaque composed of several protruding lesions. Arrow-marked splatter-like "residual pigmentation". The diagnosis "largely amelanotic malignant melanoma" can only be suspected clinically, it can only be confirmed histologically.

Differential diagnosis "Lentigo maligna melanoma": Present is a seborrhoeic keratosis (papillomatous type) with a dissected structure and slightly punched surface. No bleeding. No other symptoms.