The KRT16 gene (KRT16, keratin 16) is a protein-coding gene, a member of the keratin gene family, located on chromosome 17q21.2. Diseases associated with KRT16 include:
- Pachyonychia congenita 1(Xu Q et al 2019).
- The non-epidermolytic focal palmoplantar keratosis.
Associated metabolic pathways include developmental biology and keratinization. Thus, it has been demonstrated that the expression levels of KRT16, p-ERK1/2, and VEGF are significantly increased in the lesional psoriatic tissues Chen JG et al. (2019) demonstrated that siRNA-mediated silencing (in gene silencing, gene regulation occurs by inhibiting the transfer (transcription) of a genetic information from DNA to mRNA or the subsequent translation of the information stored on the mRNA into a protein) of KRT16 was able to inhibit keratinocyte proliferation and vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF) secretion in psoriasis. Keratinocytes treated with KRT16-siRNA and KRT16-siRNA + PD98059 showed decreased KRT16, p-ERK1/2 and VEGF expression. Cell survival in cells treated with KRT16-siRNA, PD98059 and KRT16-siRNA + PD98059 was significantly reduced.
An important paralog of the KRT16 gene is the KRT14 gene