Intertrigo edition

Author: Prof. Dr. med. Peter Altmeyer

All authors of this article

Last updated on: 29.10.2020

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Naturopathic method that can be used for the treatment of intertrigo and intertriginous mycoses. An intertrigo dressing is a dressing of sage, chamomile, lady's mantle and water.

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antimycotic, antipruritic, disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, antiperspirant

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Intertrigo and mycoses

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Materials: Sage, chamomile, lady's mantle, water gauze compress, tablespoon, measuring cup, pot, sieve,
bowlDownstream: make a decoction from 1 tablespoon of tea drug and 150 ml of water at 80 degrees Celsius; leave to infuse for 20 minutes and strain. Soak the gauze compress in the decoction, wring it out well and place it on the affected skin area.
Follow up: pat skin dry; place fresh, dry compress in skin fold and discard used one; prepare fresh decoction daily.

Duration and frequency: as long as the compress is perceived as pleasant, but at least 30 minutes twice a day.

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Known sednsibilisation against the ingredients.

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  1. Beer AM et al. (2012) Published by Leitfaden Naturheilverfahren für die ärztliche Praxis, Urban und Fischer Verlag 2012, p. 45.

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Chamomile real; Sage real;


Last updated on: 29.10.2020