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Thickened stratum corneum of an epithelium, predominantly of the epidermis but also of an infundibulum or an eccrine duct. The thickening of the stratum corneum can be the result of proliferative hyperkeratosis ( lichen planus, clavus, lupus erythematosus) or retention hyperkeratosis (vulgar ichthyosis). The hyperkeratosis can be regular, orthokeratotic or pathological, parakeratotic.
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Acanthopapilloma; Dyskeratosis congenita; Ectodermal dysplasia, hidrotic, autosomal dominant; Erythema keratodes palmare et plantar; Hyperkeratosis follicularis uraemica; Ichthyosis hystrix; Keratosis; Superficial epidermolytic ichthyosis;Outgoing links (7)
Clavus; Lichen planus classic type; Lupus erythematosus (overview); Orthokeratosis; Parakeratosis; Proliferative hyperkeratosis; Retention hyperkeratosis;Disclaimer
Please ask your physician for a reliable diagnosis. This website is only meant as a reference.