(¤ 1914, † 1986) German dermatologist. Born in Klein-Walsertal, he studied medicine at the University of Munich from 1934. Military service in the 2nd World War. 1946 dermatological training with Walther Schönfeld/Heidelberg. 1951 Habilitation. 1958 Senior physician under Schönfeld's successor Josef Hämel. Short-term management of the Municipal Dermatology Clinic in Aachen. In 1962, as successor to Hans-Theodor Schreus, he took over the chair at the Medical Academy in Düsseldorf. Field(s) of research: Greither syndrome (keratoderma palmoplantaris); Greither-Tritsch syndrome (anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia); genodermatoses, angiology. 1952 First description of keratosis extremitatum hereditaria transgrediens et progrediens, named after Greither.