Fuchs syndrome

Last updated on: 01.02.2025

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In 1876, the Viennese ophthalmologist Ernst Fuchs described the case of a man who visited the clinic with an eye infection. The man had had grayish-white conjunctivae and an aphthea on his lower lip for five days. Two days after the onset of conjunctivitis, the oral mucosa was also affected. It appeared whitish and crusted on the lips. The oral mucosa caused the patient great pain and he was hardly able to eat. Seven days after the onset of conjunctivitis, the patient developed an exanthema on the palm of his left hand. He described the efflorescences as circular, disc-shaped, erythematous spots with an edematous, light-colored ring, which were solitary or confluent (Fuchs, 1876).

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Fuchs syndrome is a minus variant of erythema multiforme majus, defined as inflammatory involvement of two or more mucosal surfaces without the characteristic skin involvement of EM such as typical (iris lesions) or atypical cockades.

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Fuchs syndrome is mainly associated with M. pneumoniae infections.

Clinical features
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Oral lesions with mucositis are most frequently observed, ocular involvement (conjunctivitis) occurs in around 67% of cases and genital mucosal involvement in around 75% of cases. Erythematous, erosive and ulcerative lesions are found.

General therapy
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The mucosal lesions of Fuchs syndrome require a rapid and appropriate diagnosis due to the sudden onset of their painful symptoms, followed by immediate treatment. Oral lesions can lead to malnutrition or disturbances of fluid and electrolyte balance, while conjunctival lesions can cause symblepharon, keratoconjunctivitis sicca, ectropion or corneal opacities, among others.

Treatment is otherwise supportive; macrolide antibiotics are the treatment of choice for children.

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With timely treatment, the prognosis is excellent.

Case report(s)
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A 29-year-old man was referred to the Department of Dentistry by his GP because of an acute eruption on his oral mucosa that prevented him from eating. The lesions had appeared 8 days earlier and prior to this the patient had had a low-grade fever, headache and sore throat. He had been prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and cetylpyridinium lysozyme for treatment. The patient also reported that he had suffered from several episodes of cold sores prior to the onset of symptoms.

General symptoms such as asthenia and fever were observed. The initial cardiopulmonary examination was normal. There was no swelling of the lymph nodes, liver or spleen. Oral examination revealed multiple but irregular oval erosions on a reddened surface on the palate, inner cheeks and soft palate arches. His tongue was swollen with lateral impressions of the teeth. Ulceration of the orificium urethrae and bilateral conjunctivitis were also noted. His vision was not impaired. Serology for M. pneumoniae was positive. However, the polymerase chain reaction for herpes simplex virus was negative. The C-reactive protein reached 54 mg/l.

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  1. Eyer GC et al. (2022) Fuchs Syndrome with Isolated Oral Mucosa Lesions due to Severe Herpes Simplex Cheilitis in a Patient with Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura. Eur J Case Rep Intern Med 9:003278...
  2. Frühwald R (1956) Ernst Fuchs syndrome. Dermatol Wochenschr 134:841-844.
  3. Fuchs E (1876). Herpes iris conjunctivae. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 14, 333-351.
  4. Gossart R et al. (2017) Fuchs Syndrome: Medical Treatment of 1 Case and Literature Review. Case Rep Dermatol 9:114-120.
  5. Havliza K et al. (2009) Erythema multiforme majus (Fuchs syndrome) associated with Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection in two patients. J Dtsch Dermatol Ges 7:445-448
  6. Li K et al. (2012) Stevens-Johnson syndrome without skin lesions (Fuchs syndrome): a literature review of adult cases with Mycoplasma cause. Arch Dermatol 148:963-964.
  7. Meyer Sauteur PM et al. (2011) Fuchs syndrome associated with Mycoplasma pneumoniae (Stevens-Johnson syndrome without skin lesions). Pediatr Dermatol 28:474-476.
  8. Šternberský J et al.(2014) Fuchs' syndrome (Stevens-Johnson syndrome without skin involvement) in an adult male--a case report and general characteristics of the sporadically diagnosed disease. Acta Dermatovenerol Croat 22:284-287.

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Erythema multiforme (overview);


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Last updated on: 01.02.2025