
Last updated on: 03.02.2022

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Treatment method to support patients whose independent ability to act is limited, physically or psychologically or mentally, with the aim of strengthening them in terms of self-care, productivity, leisure activity and participation in social life, in particular to enable them to cope better with their everyday lives. In summary, reintegration into the personal, social and, if possible, professional environment.


Bone fractures, rheumatic diseases, chronic back problems, disturbance of gross or fine motor skills, paraplegia, post amputation, arthrosis, post apoplexy, craniocerebral trauma, paresis, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, polyneuropathy.

also anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, stress and adjustment disorder, personality disorder, behavioral disorder, psychoses, addictive disorders ; dementia

in children and adolescents: developmental disorders or delays, perceptual disorders, physical disability, writing difficulties, visual or hearing disorders, mental retardation, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism

For social behavior disorders, more group therapy:

Social skills, conflict resolution, stress management, perception training, aggression therapy.

Incoming links (1)

Psoriasis arthropathica;

Last updated on: 03.02.2022
