DefinitionThis section has been translated automatically.
Spectrum of actionThis section has been translated automatically.
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IndicationThis section has been translated automatically.
Allergic reactions.
Dosage and method of useThis section has been translated automatically.
- 1-3 times 25 mg/day p.o.
- Children 6-14 years: 1-2 times 25 mg/day p.o.
Undesirable effectsThis section has been translated automatically.
Paragroup allergy (mereprine syrup), exanthema, sedation, central nervous disorders, agitation states in infants, visual disorders, narrow-angle glaucoma, dry mouth, gastrointestinal disorders, BB changes, micturition disorders, hypersensitivity reactions, rhabdomyolysis after overdose.
InteractionsThis section has been translated automatically.
Enhancement of the effect by centrally attenuating drugs and alcohol.
ContraindicationThis section has been translated automatically.
Pregnancy, lactation, prostate hypertrophy, narrow angle glaucoma, paragroup allergy (mereprine syrup).
PreparationsThis section has been translated automatically.
Hoggar, Mereprine, Sedaplus