Demodex folliculitis Images
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Demodex folliculitis: follicular inflammatory nodules. Infection of the eyelids.

Demodex folliculitis: Picture of "periocular dermatitis", no known treatment with local corticosteroids.

Demodex folliculitis: distribution pattern of the typical follicular, inflammatory nodules; infestation of the eyelids (Meibomian glands).

Demodex folliculitis: detailed section with follicular, inflammatory papules.

Demodex folliculitis 20-year-old female patient without previous acne vulgaris, slight tendency to rosacea erythematosa. histological: massive infestation of the follicles with Demodex folliculorum.

Demodex folliculitis: chronic bilateral follicular dermatitis with extensive reddening. previously known rosacea. for months, however, unexpected significant worsening of the findings. S following figure.

Demodex folliculitis: chronic bilateral follicular dermatitis with extensive reddening. Previous rosacea, but for months an unexpected significant worsening of the findings.

Demodex folliculitis: Incisions of numerous follicular mites in the dilated follicular ducts; dense lympho-histiocytic perifollicular infiltrate.

Demodex folliculitis (overview picture): Dilated follicles with numerous demodex mites, which are cut at different levels; dense perifollicular infiltrate.

Demodex folliculitis (detail: dilated follicle with numerous demodex mites, which are cut in different levels; dense perifollicular infiltrate.

Demodex folliculitis: Detailed view of a transverse follicular duct with several mites.