
Author: Prof. Dr. med. Peter Altmeyer

All authors of this article

Last updated on: 29.10.2020

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Copper is a divalent metal and an essential mineral in the human organism. Copper is also used as a lustrous colour pigment (see C.I. 77400 below)

General information
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Normal value: The normal value in serum is between 70 and 140 ug/dl for males and between 85 and 155 ug/dl for females.

Pathologically elevated: malignancies, anemia, acute or severe infections, cirrhosis of the liver, pregnancy, estrogen therapy, cholestasis, hemochromatosis, occlusive secterus

Pathologically decreased: Wilson's disease, malnutrition, zinc overdose, Menkes syndrome, intestinal malabsorption

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Punicae granati fructus;

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C.i. 77400 (inci);


Last updated on: 29.10.2020