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DefinitionThis section has been translated automatically.
Markers for: B cells, monocytes, follicular dendritic cells, eosinophil granulocytes.
Structure: Transmembrane glycoprotein (45 kDa)
Note: CD23 is associated with MHC class II antigen. Low affinity receptor for IgE. Expression is upregulated after mitogen or antigen activation. The antibody marks germinal centres of reactive follicles (see alsoCD 35).
Detection is negative in mantell cell lymphomas and lymphoplasmocytoid lymphomas.
Application: FACS, IHC (P) (G), IF
(see below) Cluster of differentiation
LiteratureThis section has been translated automatically.
Literature: Hantschke M et al. (2016) Immunohistological techniques. In: L. Cerroni et al. histopathology of the skin. Springer publishing house Berlin-Heidelberg p. 26-33.