Blue nevus Images
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blue naevus. blue-black, coarse, sharply defined, calotte-shaped nodule with a smooth surface. at higher magnification some horn inclusions can be seen on the surface. in addition, hairs run through the nodule. especially the detection of hairs in the nodule area speaks against malignancy (DD: nodular malignant melanoma).

blue nevus. blue-black, coarse, sharply defined, calotte-shaped node with a smooth, like polished, shiny surface. in addition, hairs run through the node. follicle ostia funnel-like indented. especially the detection of hairs in the node area speaks against malignancy (DD: nodular malignant melanoma), because the tumor growth does not infiltrate and destroy the hair follicles.

Blue nevus. Multiple acquired blue nevi in a 35-year-old male.

Blue naevus. blue-black shimmering through, sharply defined, clearly and evenly indurated knots with a smooth shiny (like polished) surface.

blue nevus. black shining through, sharply defined, clearly and evenly indurated node with unaltered shiny surface. fine hair trimming detectable. incident light microscopy: homogeneous, not structured discoloration.

Blue nevus: Large blue nevus (so-called Mongolian spot) with a deep dark melanocytic nevus.

Blue nevus. The tumor node consisting of spindle-shaped melanocytes with different pigmentation and broad fasciae of connective tissue runs through the entire dermis and protrudes broadly into the subcutaneous fat tissue. In the picture on the left side a laterally displaced hair follicle with dilated excretory duct.

Blue nevus: disordered spindly melanocytes between longitudinal and transverse cut homogenized collagen strands.