Alopecia androgenetica in men Images
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Alopecia androgenetica in men, stage II/III: receding forehead-hair boundaries, especially at the temples with fronto-parietal hair thinning and formation of receding hairline.

Alopecia androgenetica in men, stage III/IV: Confluence of anterior and posterior hair thinning in the parietal region.

Alopecia androgenetica in men. stage IV: confluence of anterior and posterior hair thinning in the parietal region.

Alopecia androgenetica in men; stage IV: horseshoe-shaped, complete clearing of the hair in the parietal region; remaining lateral and posterior crown of hair

Alopecia androgenetica in men. stage IV: horseshoe-shaped, complete clearing of the hair in the parietal region; remaining lateral and posterior hair crown. conspicuous lentiginosis of the capillitium.

Alopecia androgenetica in men. stage V: Almost complete hair loss with a narrow, thin ring of hair at the sides and back in a 50-year-old man.

Alopecia androgenetica in the male. stage V: complete loss of hair in the parietal region. remaining lateral and posterior crown of hair (in the picture only very narrowly cut visible).