Impression material

Author: Prof. Dr. med. Peter Altmeyer

All authors of this article

Last updated on: 29.10.2020

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Impression material

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Dental term for the impression material used to make models of the teeth and jaw. The following impression materials are used:

  • Rigid irreversible: Impression plaster, zinc oxide eugenol pastes, plastic impression pastes
  • Rigid reversible: thermoplastic masses, stent mass, Kerr mass
  • Elastically reversible: Hydrocolloids of agar-agar
  • Elastic irreversible: alginates (from brown algae), silicones, polyether.

Impression materials are used in dentistry for taking impressions of the teeth in the dentition (impression at the dentist). Polyethers are plastics from which impression materials or impression materials for impressions are made, which are very precise.

Outgoing links (2)

Agar-agar; Alginates;


Last updated on: 29.10.2020