Diabetes, blood sugar disease, metabolic disease

Last updated on: 30.04.2021

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DefinitionThis section has been translated automatically.

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disorder of blood glucose metabolism with elevation of blood glucose levels. Diabetes is a blood sugar disease or metabolic disease caused by a functional weakness of the pancreas due to insulin deficiency. Diabetes leads to an increase in blood sugar levels and sugar excretion in the urine. Diabetes mellitus is a sugar dysfunction or sugar disease, which leads to increased blood sugar levels and therefore sugar excretion in the urine due to a lack of regulating insulin. A diabetic is a person suffering from sugar urine dysfunction, because diabetes causes large amounts of urine, weight loss despite increased food intake and a tendency to skin diseases as well as itching. As a result of diabetes, the energy supplier glucose, which is contained in the blood, can no longer be absorbed by the body into the cell interior, while it is present in the blood in too high a concentration. Diabetes can lead to a narrowing of the cross-section of the blood vessels and thus to a reduced release of oxygen into the surrounding tissue, resulting in tiredness and lack of strength. In addition to the loss of energy and minerals, diabetes mellitus also leads to dehydration of the body due to the loss of fluids, which usually leads to great thirst.

Last updated on: 30.04.2021