Amalgam drainage

Last updated on: 11.07.2024

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Amalgam elimination, also known as heavy metal elimination, is used in dentistry to "eliminate" mercury deposits in the body, supported, for example, by chlorella, which has a detoxifying effect.

Amalgam elimination means flushing out the mercury ions and metal ions stored in various body tissues, which are bound to proteins. Amalgam elimination is particularly useful and advisable if all old amalgam fillings are removed in the course of amalgam restoration (amalgam removal). Amalgam elimination or flushing out of dental amalgam is uncomplicated and usually only requires a single daily intake of one tablet (medication) over a limited period of time. Only in a few cases does support with special injections appear to be helpful, as the medication stabilizes the metals in the tissues, binds them and promotes their excretion via the kidneys.

Last updated on: 11.07.2024