Thiolactic acid (inci)
2-Mercaptopropanoic acid; 2-mercaptopropionic acid; 2-sulfanylpropanoic acid; CAS number: 79-42-5
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Thiolactic acid is a skin and respiratory toxic liquid that is structurally derived from lactic acid. Thiolactic acid is a carboxylic acid with the molecular formula: C3H6O2S and the linear formula: HS-CH2-COOH. Thiolactic acid is a substance that is used in cosmetic formulations. The acid acts as a depilatory (removes unwanted body hair), hair curling and hair straightening agent (enables hair to be straightened or curled by changing its chemical structure). It also acts as a reducing agent (changes other ingredients through reduction, i.e. addition of hydrogen or removal of oxygen). The substance is primarily used as a depilatory agent.