Oleum oentherae semen

Author: Prof. Dr. med. Peter Altmeyer

All authors of this article

Last updated on: 29.10.2020

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CAS number: 90028-66-3; Evening primrose seed oil; Semen Oleum oentherae raffinatum

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Fatty oil obtained by extraction and/or pressing and subsequent refining of the seeds of Oenothera biennis and Oenothera lamarckiana (Tree Primerose; Evening Primrose). Stabilisers may be added to the oil.

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Evening primrose (seed) oil contains: 4-10% palmitic acid, 1-4% stearic acid; 5-12% oleic acid, 65-85% linoleic acid, (7-14%) gamma-linolenic acid and maximum 0.5% alpha-linolenic acid.

Spectrum of action
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In naturopathy, the systemic effect of evening primrose seed oil is described as antiphlogistic and immunomodulating.

Field of application/use
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The evening primrose seed oil is used in cosmetic formulations under the INCI designation "Oenothera biennis oil". It serves as an emollient (makes the skin supple and smoothes it).

Medically the evening primrose (seed) oil is used for the adjuvant internal therapy in cases of atopic dermatitis (and psoriasis vulgaris). Evening primrose oil is commercially available as a finished medicinal product in soft capsules (0.5 g). The oil can be swallowed directly or added to food. Evening primrose oil should be taken over a longer period of time. Dosage: TD 4-6g oil (HMPC).

Hom: The fresh plant collected at the beginning of flowering is used for diarrhoea (positive monograph of commission D).

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Neither Commission E nor ESCOP monographs for a systemic use of evening primrose seed oil are available. The HMPC classified the oil as a traditional herbal medicinal product.

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Last updated on: 29.10.2020