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DefinitionThis section has been translated automatically.
Phenol derivative, keratolytic.
Pharmacodynamics (Effect)This section has been translated automatically.
Disinfection with primarily antimicrobial effect against gram-positive germs.
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IndicationThis section has been translated automatically.
Cave! Today abandoned therapy principle!
Limited indicationThis section has been translated automatically.
Standard concentrationThis section has been translated automatically.
Apply 0.1-1% in soaps, creams and ointments 1-2 times/day thinly to previously cleansed skin.
Undesirable effectsThis section has been translated automatically.
Allergic reactions, potential teratogenicity, photosensitization, neurotoxicity (no large-scale application on damaged skin).
ContraindicationThis section has been translated automatically.
Infants: Risk of serious or fatal poisoning, pregnancy.
IncompatibilityThis section has been translated automatically.
Non-ionic surfactants (tweens) reduce the antimicrobial inhibitory effect of hexachlorophene.