Angioedema (overview) Images
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Angioedema: First occurred swelling of the eyelids in a 42-year-old woman which has been present for several hours, first on the left side, later on the right side. Findings now more pronounced on the left than on the right side. The left eye cannot be opened actively. No general symptoms, especially no shortness of breath.

angioedema. swelling of the lower lip and the right hand in a 57-year-old man occurred within a few minutes. persistent for 2 hours, no itching, only a feeling of tension. recurrent swelling attacks (interval of 14-28 days) for 6 months. 8 months ago change of the hypertension medication to ACE inhibitors.

Recurrent facial swelling in a patient with "aspirin intolerance"; severe, bilateral, infra- and periorbital edema in a 28-year-old woman.

angioedema. acute, transient occurrence of diffuse, pale, slightly itchy, doughy, edematous swellings of the skin. the joint contours appear to have elapsed. in the case shown, the face and mucous membranes were also affected. there was also laryngeal edema.